






In a heart-wrenching incident that shook the Long Island community, 13-year-old Anthony Stinson was critically injured when a police cruiser struck him while crossing an intersection. However, amidst the sorrow, the Stinson family made a compassionate choice that will resonate with kindness for years to come – they chose organ donation.

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Anthony Stinson's life took a devastating turn when he was struck by a police officer as he crossed the intersection of William Floyd Parkway and Adobe Drive in Shirley, Long Island; he has sadly succumbed to his injuries, as reported by police officials and a WCBS report. The accident occurred on Saturday night, September 9th, when a police cruiser responding to an emergency call collided with Anthony as he pedaled his bike across the intersection.  

The accident left him in critical condition, and despite being on life support for four days, Anthony's injuries proved insurmountable. The impact resulted in a severe head injury, leaving the eighth-grader braindead. In the face of this tragedy, his family decided to make a selfless choice – donating his organs to save the lives of others. 

Doctors from LiveOnNY, a Long Island City-based nonprofit specializing in organ transplantation, facilitated the organ donation procedure. This act of generosity will benefit five individuals between the ages of 30 and 60, residing in both Massachusetts and New York. These individuals were in dire need of heart, lung, liver, kidneys, and pancreas transplants, and Anthony's family's decision offers them a second chance at life. 

Leonard Achan, the nonprofit's president and chief executive, conveyed in the statement, "Anthony's selfless act has bestowed the gift of life upon five individuals, aged between 30 and 60, residing in both Massachusetts and New York. These individuals were in critical need of heart, lung, liver, kidneys, and pancreas transplants, and Anthony's generosity has provided them with a second chance at life."

Claudia Stinson, Anthony's mother, expressed her profound hope that her son's organ donation would inspire the community to consider this life-saving option in the event of similar heartbreaking losses. She shared a heartfelt moment with her son, recognizing the legacy of kindness he leaves behind. Anthony's legacy will live on as he becomes a guardian angel for others, watching over his friends from above.

The tragedy also led to the involvement of the New York Attorney General Letitia James' Office, which announced an investigation into the incident. While the investigation is ongoing, the community is grappling with the loss of a vibrant young life.

As the grieving family and community bid farewell to Anthony, they take solace in knowing that his generosity will offer the gift of life to those in desperate need. Leonard Achan, the President and CEO of LiveOnNY, described the organ donation as a solemn yet honorable act of giving, bridging the past with the present in the name of life.


Gift of Life: Understanding the Importance of Organ Donation 

According to research conducted by the State University of New York (SUNY) and statistics in the United States, the need for organ transplants is a critical issue. There are approximately 105,000 patients currently awaiting lifesaving organ transplants on the national organ transplant waitlist, with a new name added every nine minutes. Tragically, 17 people lose their lives each day in the United States while waiting for that crucial call. However, it's heartening to note that 63% of adults aged 18 and above in the US have registered as organ and tissue donors. In 2022 alone, 21,369 individuals in the US stepped forward to donate organs, comprising 14,903 deceased donors and 6,466 living donors. Remarkably, these donations led to 42,887 patients receiving lifesaving organ transplants.

Within the state of New York, where this heartfelt story unfolds, there are around 8,200 patients listed on the national organ transplant waitlist, with 1,150 individuals having been on the list for more than five agonizing years. In 2022, an average of 12 New York State patients were added to the national organ transplant waitlist daily, underscoring the pressing need for donors. While 46% of adults aged 18 and above in New York State are registered as organ and tissue donors, it's important to note that 394 patients in the state lost their lives waiting for an organ transplant last year. However, in the same year, 1,002 compassionate individuals in New York State, comprising 598 deceased donors and 404 living donors, stepped forward to make the ultimate gift. As a result, 3,396 patients in New York State received lifesaving organ transplants in 2022.

Organ donation plays a vital role in saving lives and offering hope to those suffering from organ failure. Every year, thousands of people are in desperate need of organ transplants to survive. By choosing to become an organ donor, individuals can leave a lasting legacy of compassion, transforming tragedy into a second chance at life for others. The Stinson family's decision to donate Anthony's organs highlights the profound impact that one selfless act can have on multiple lives. Organ donation awareness and participation are crucial in ensuring that more individuals can benefit from life-saving transplants, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more compassionate society.

